Dual Token

We will use blockchain technologies to make electricity available for everyone.

We choose the dual token system to provide more accurate measurements by utilizing our products and services from customer's perspectives as the validators.

The dual token environment is backed by the NDB and Watt tokens.

NDB and Watt tokens are interconnected and interchangeable with one another.

NDB Token

The NDB token is created in the IBEP-20 protocol using Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network.

Any individual or institution willing to be part of our ecosystem should purchase NDB tokens.

NDB tokens can be swapped with Watt tokens at a discounted rate of 10%.

The NDB token provides access to the Ecosystem and allows the acquisition of some of its utilities, such as NFTs in NDB City, Nyyu, and Charenji.

You will be able to change, interact, and transform your NDB token in the open market or in our ecosystem by staking inside a Pool.

By staking NDB token, the user will contribute to the network and the entity who owns the Pool, thus demonstrating a willingness to access the future products or services that the entity may create with us.

By staking NDB tokens on the different pools, the stakers can earn Watt tokens.

Token sale model

Token Name:NDB

Token Symbol:NDB

Max Supply:1,000,000,000,000

Total Supply:200,000,000,000

Emission Rate:New Tokens will never be minted

Purchase price

Nominal Value:Decided through private placement

Token Allocation

Watt Token

Watt token is a driving force of most applications of the NDB Ecosystem.

This utility token is a live payment instrument for the energy produced.

You can pay as you consume and earn tokens by selling the energy back to the grid.

You will be able to unblock, for example, NDB Volta's energy and use your products, almost in the same way you are paying your utility bills.

watt coinwatt coin

Watt is initially minted with BEP-20 on the Binance Smart Chain network(Watt I).

Watt token is a variable supply, burnable, and mintable.

We plan to build our blockchain to target millions of transactions per second at a modest transaction fee.

Once our blockchain is ready, the holders of Watt I will swap their tokens to Watt II at a 10% discount.

Token sale model

Token Name:Watt

Token Symbol:WATT

Total Amount:1,000,000,000,000

Emission Rate:New tokens can be minted

Purchase price

Nominal Value:Rely on the constant growth of the economy to remain valuable

Stake pool

A stake pool is a network node with a public address that stakers can contribute to and receive rewards.

NDB pool will work similarly to S&P 500 for this ecosystem.

Stake pools can be created to support projects that benefit technology development and the NDB token holders.


Being part of a pool will give you access to Watt tokens.

The dynamic reward index of the successful pool will reward the ecosystem.

The pool's participants will get a reward proportionally to their staked amount for each transaction.

Ndb Electric vehicle

Ndb Electric vehicle

Discover how it works, and start to build tomorrow’s world by our side


You have an
NDB-powered Electric Vehicle (EV).


Your car will have a dedicated profile on the Watt DApp.

You will be able to unlock the energy produced by NDB through the Watt token.


When you are not using your EV, you can connect it to the grid.

Based on the energy given to the infrastructure, you will earn Watt tokens.

Alternatively, you will also be able to mine tokens.